기본 관리 방법 (ORM)

트랜잭션 사용 (Core) sqlalchemy 2.0

<aside> 💡 아래 예시는 모두 context manager로 사용되고 있지만, 일반 함수와 같이 호출하고 명시적으로 close() 등의 후처리를 해주어도 된다


Commit As You Go

with engine.connect() as connection:
    connection.execute(some_table.insert(), {"x": 7, "y": "this is some data"})
        some_other_table.insert(), {"q": 8, "p": "this is some more data"}

    connection.commit()  # commit the transaction
with engine.connect() as connection:
    connection.execute(text("<some statement>"))
    connection.commit()  # commits "some statement"

    # new transaction starts
    connection.execute(text("<some other statement>"))
    connection.rollback()  # rolls back "some other statement"

    # new transaction starts
    connection.execute(text("<a third statement>"))
    connection.commit()  # commits "a third statement"

Begin Once

with engine.connect() as connection:
    with connection.begin():
        connection.execute(some_table.insert(), {"x": 7, "y": "this is some data"})
            some_other_table.insert(), {"q": 8, "p": "this is some more data"}

    # transaction is committed

Mixing Styles

with engine.connect() as connection:
    with connection.begin():
        # run statements in a "begin once" block
        connection.execute(some_table.insert(), {"x": 7, "y": "this is some data"})

    # transaction is committed

    # run a new statement outside of a block. The connection
    # autobegins
        some_other_table.insert(), {"q": 8, "p": "this is some more data"}

    # commit explicitly

    # can use a "begin once" block here
    with connection.begin():
        # run more statements